Department of Comparative Study of Cultures
Department of Comparative Study of Cultures
Developing leaders who create new cultures
Features of learning approach
Engaging in interdisciplinary studies to make comparisons and explore cultures of the world and how societies exist.
Exploring cultures in each region of the world through "comparison"
How does a culture come to be and change? How did cultures meet each other and how did the relationship between them form? Students engage in interdisciplinary studies to examine how the modern world was established and its structure, looking at what type of relationship there is with the culture using the perspective of “comparison.”
Research covers all events in the whole of society
Students look at a wide range of events that occur in society to understand the culture, address various issues that modern society faces and examine how society and those events came to be. The department promotes a flexible perspective that looks at the value of the culture and its ideas, and avoids using an absolute approach for a specific culture but rather taking on a relative approach through “comparison.”
"Study Tour" offering direct contact with various cultures and societies
The “Study Tour” is a program in which students take field trips to locales to study culture and history and conduct investigations on site. Students do not just take tours but investigate by conducting direct interviews with the relevant parties, participating as a local would in traditional events and festivals, in order to deepen their understanding on different cultures.
Sharpening English language skills to encourage activities overseas
As modern society undergoes globalization, a recent topic includes people from different cultures cohabiting and coexisting. In this department, resources are focused on nurturing English language skills using our unique curriculum and on encouraging activities overseas through study abroad programs at this university and working holiday programs.