公立大学法人 都留文科大学

Think Globally, Act Locally


Graduate School of Letters

更新日:2021年2月4日 ページ番号:0000172

Graduate School(Literature Studies)

We use broader perspective to achieve deeper, more advanced learning, and to nurture abilities that will be useful to society in real-life scenarios.

Special features of the learning approach


Five majors offering exciting opportunities for in-depth and advanced study

These five programs encompassing literature studies in our graduate school are the “Japanese Program,” “Sociological Community Studies Program,” “English Language and British/American Literature Program,” “Comparative Cultures Program” and “Practical Studies of Clinical Education Program.” Students can develop their education and improve their career opportunities in any of these two year Masters Courses with freedom to choose the research topic that is the best fit.


Special resources available for research

Our graduate school offers special research rooms for graduate students with individual desks. In addition, there are special libraries customised for each major, featuring specialized collections of books and magazines for each respective field. This provides the perfect, comfortable environment for graduate students to dedicate themselves to their classes and research.


Support system available for financial assistance

In addition to a tuition waiver system and scholarship program, this university offers a unique and comprehensive support system such as the “Teaching assistant (T.A.) system,” which offers compensation for teaching assistants who offer support and assistance to professors. Also, the “Graduate student scholarship program for studying abroad” encourages participation in training programs overseas.


Research assistant system to support collaborative research

One of the features of our graduate school is the close relationship with individual professors. This system provides research assistant positions to graduate students who have the specialized knowledge required in research activities and can perform support tasks. As a result, graduate students receive monetary compensation for their work and this also gives them a chance to make a name for themselves as collaborators in research.


  • Practical Studies of Clinical Education Program
  • Japanese Program
  • English Language and British /American Literature Program
  • Comparative Cultures Program
  • Sociological Community Studies Program