公立大学法人 都留文科大学

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TISP(Tsuru International Student Program)

更新日:2023年7月26日 ページ番号:0004854

  TISP : Tsuru International Student Program

TISP Brochure

TISP Brochure [PDFファイル/1.99MB]

TISP Fact Sheet 2025-2026 [PDFファイル/235KB]


TISP (Tsuru International Student Program) is a program designed for not only the students learning Japanese, but also for those who desire to explore the Japanese language and culture in a small rural community in Japan.

This program offers a variety of courses and cultural events to deepen your understanding of the beauty of our environments and enrich your intercultural knowledge.

All exchange students will be supported on their academic activities and living situations in Tsuru by Tsuru student-tutors. Student-tutors organize extracurricular activities and events as well. Exchange students can participate in the traditional and cultural events and activities in the local community of Tsuru City.

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